ICVS - Teses de Doutoramento / PhD Theses : [225] Estatísticas

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Registos da coleção (ordenados por datas de depósito em ordem descendente): 101-120 de um total de 225
9-Nov-2018Cartilage repair: the role of a scaffold in the repair of a cartilage lesionGomes, Carlos Alberto VilelaTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
26-Jul-2017Dissecting Lipocalin-2 as a novel modulator of brain processesFerreira, Ana Catarina OliveiraTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
24-Jul-2018Bobath oncept and brain-computer interface: combined approach to enhance neuroplasticity in chronic strokeRibeiro, Raquel da Glória Teixeira de CarvalhoTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
12-Jul-2018Structural and functional asymmetries of the brain: associations with behavior and cognitionEsteves, Madalena CurvaTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
2-Jul-2018Endolysosomal dysfunction and exosome secretion: implications for neurodegenerative disordersMiranda, André Miguel LopesTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
23-Jul-2018The role of signaling lipids in the nervous system physiology and pathology: mechanistic insights of the phospholipase D pathway in neurodegenerative diseasesBravo, Ana Francisca Rodrigues VazTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
19-Jul-2018Impact of regulatory cytokines in hematopoiesisSilva, Ana Catarina Matos Cardoso daTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
26-Jul-2018A role of local translation at presynaptic terminalsBatista, Andreia Filipa RodriguesTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
3-Mai-2018Multisensory integration of postural control in Neurodegenerative diseasesGago, Miguel Albino Silva FernandesTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
19-Mar-2018Studies on thoracic and peritoneal CO2-insufflation in neonatal rats: 2 implications for minimally invasive neonatal surgeryMiranda, Alice Augusta MacedoTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
16-Jan-2018Neuroinflammation in early and late onset Alzheimer´s disease: a multimodal analysisTaipa, Ricardo Jorge FerreiraTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
1-Fev-2018The influence of gliotransmission on higher cognitive functionsSardinha, Vanessa Alexandra MoraisTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
22-Nov-2017Interplay between molecular and cellular players on glioma pathophysiologyCastro, Joana Isabel Martins Cosme VieiraTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
17-Nov-2017Control of Streptococcus pneumoniae virulence by manipulation of the genetic sequence of virulence factor pneumolysinAmaral, Fábio André EleutérioTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
2017Massive rotator cuff tendon tears: a biologic and regenerative approachSousa, Nuno Eduardo SevivasTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
2017Identification of human and pathogen molecular variants associated to tuberculosis heterogeneityBastos, Hélder NovaisTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
2017Role of scheimpflug-based lens densitometry in preoperative assessment of age-related nuclear cataractsCorreia, Fernando António FariaTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
2016Fate of the earliest retinal ganglion cells during development of the visual systemSoares, Célia Márcia AzevedoTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
27-Mar-2017Tau (mal)function in brain plasticity and pathology – a gateway beyond Alzheimer’s DiseaseSilva, Joana Margarida Gonçalves MotaTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
30-Mar-2017New insights on the interplay between psychopharmacology and neuroplasticity in psychiatric disordersMorais, Mónica Susana DiasTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
Registos da coleção (ordenados por datas de depósito em ordem descendente): 101-120 de um total de 225