ICVS - Teses de Doutoramento / PhD Theses : [225] Estatísticas

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Registos da coleção (ordenados por datas de depósito em ordem descendente): 121-140 de um total de 225
5-Abr-2017Impact of dexamethasone in the enteric nervous systemRamalhosa, Fátima MarquesTese de doutoramentoAcesso restrito UMinho
24-Abr-2017Cognitive functioning from normal aging to mild cognitive impairment: combining rapid cognitive testing and informant reports to improve screening in clinical and research contextsCastanho, Teresa Jesus CostaTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
30-Abr-2017Biodegradable urological stent systems based on natural origin polymersBarros, Alexandre António AntunesTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
1-Jun-2017The impact of non-coding alterations in glioma: hints from HOTAIR and the TERT promoterMagalhães, Ana Xavier Silva deTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
19-Dez-2017Deciphering the genetic basis of intellectual disability through unbiased genomic approachesLopes, Fátima Daniela TeixeiraTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
12-Jul-2017Adult neural plasticity in the pathophysiology of depression: new insights from an animal model of recurrenceAlves, Nuno Dinis Lopes OliveiraTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
13-Jul-2017Monocarboxylate Transporters (MCTs) in breast cancer aggressiveness: therapeutic targeting and regulatory mechanismsSantos, Luísa Filipa Morais dosTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
26-Jul-2017Neurobiological basis of anxiety and social behaviorsBorges, Sónia Maria de SousaTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
19-Dez-2016T cells during mycobacterial infections: production and activationSilva, Palmira Conceição Araújo BarreiraTese de doutoramentoAcesso restrito UMinho
16-Dez-2016Monocarboxylate Transporters in gliomas: regulation and therapeutic implicationsGonçalves, Vera Mónica MirandaTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
22-Nov-2016Immunogenetic determinants of susceptibility/resistance to Mycobacterium ulcerans infection: a population based study – Benin biological bank on Buruli ulcerCapela, Carlos Alberto PereiraTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
22-Nov-2016Role of Nucleus accumbens dopamine D1- and D2-expressing neurons in reward and motivationCunha, Carina Isabel SoaresTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
25-Jul-2016A genomic exploration of transmissibility in Mycobacterium tuberculosisGuimarães, Hanna NebenzahlTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
15-Jul-2016Regulation of sleep and circadian rhythms by TARANISAfonso, Dinis José SilvaTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
8-Jul-2016Adult hippocampal neural plasticity: insights into its functional relevance in the stressed and depressed brainPinheiro, António MateusTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
7-Jul-2016Contribution to minimize the aggressiveness of laparoscopic surgery in gynecologyFerreira, HélderTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
9-Mai-2016Molecular regulation of the hippocampal neurogenic niche in depression and by antidepressants: Insights from an unpredictable Chronic Mild Stress rat modelPatrício, Patrícia CarvalhoTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
29-Mar-2016From development to tumorigenesis: Dissecting the biological and clinical role of the T-Box transcription factor brachyuryPinto, Filipe Manuel TeixeiraTese de doutoramentoAcesso restrito UMinho
30-Mar-2016Tuberculosis in wild ungulates in the Iberian Peninsula: applying new methods for the epidemiological analysis of intra and interspecies transmissionSantos, Nuno Gonçalo Carvalho Caroço dosTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
1-Fev-2016Pre-clinical trials for Machado-Joseph Disease: Hypothesis-based and hypothesis-free therapeutic approachesEsteves, Ana Sofia TeixeiraTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
Registos da coleção (ordenados por datas de depósito em ordem descendente): 121-140 de um total de 225