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TítuloInverse semigroups generated by linear transformations
Autor(es)Gonçalves, Suzana Mendes
Sullivan, R. P.
Palavras-chaveInverse linear transformation semigroups
EditoraAustralian Mathematical Society
RevistaBulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
Citação"Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society". ISSN 0004-9727. 71 (2005) 205-213.
Resumo(s)Suppose X is a set with cardinal p and let q be an infinite cardinal less or equal than p. Let B=BL(p,q) denote the Baer-Levi semigroup defined on X. In 1984, Howie and Marques-Smith showed that, if p=q, then BB^{-1}=I(X), the symmetric inverse semigroup on X, and they described the subsemigroup of I(X) generated by B^{-1}B. In 1994, Lima extended that work to `independence algebras', and thus also to vector spaces. In this paper, we answer the natural question: what happens when p>q? We also show that, in this case, the analogues BB^{-1} for sets and GG^{-1} for vector spaces are never isomorphic, despite their apparent similarities.
Arbitragem científicayes
AcessoAcesso aberto
Aparece nas coleções:CMAT - Artigos em revistas com arbitragem / Papers in peer review journals

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