ICVS - Teses de Doutoramento / PhD Theses : [225] Estatísticas

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Registos da coleção (ordenados por datas de depósito em ordem descendente): 161-180 de um total de 225
6-Out-2014Dissecting the crosstalk between stress, depression and obesityAslani, ShilanTese de doutoramentoAcesso restrito UMinho
1-Dez-2014When gaining is loosing: insights into the function of ataxin-3 and its perturbation in the context of Machado-Joseph diseaseCarvalho, Andreia Alexandra Neves deTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
23-Jun-2014Fabry disease : novel insights into secondary lipid alterations and invariant Natural Killer T cell deficiencyQuinta, Rui Jorge Azevedo Lamela daTese de doutoramentoAcesso restrito UMinho
11-Jul-2014Biobehavioural mechanisms of feeding behaviour: associative learning, hedonic preference and motivationHarb, Mazen RaymondTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
24-Mar-2014Vírus herpes-γ e polimorfismos dos sistemas de processamento antigénico : importância na oncogénese e no prognóstico dos linfomas de células BMarques, HerlanderTese de doutoramentoAcesso restrito UMinho
10-Abr-2014Hybrid thoracic NOTES : a translational research projectPinto, João MoreiraTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
Out-2014Molecular cytopathogenesis induced by the Mycobacterium ulcerans toxin, mycolactoneGama, José B.Tese de doutoramentoAcesso restrito UMinho
17-Dez-2013Role of Monocarboxylate transporter in lung development and lung cancerGranja, Sara CostaTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
8-Nov-2013Influence of the variability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains on the host immune responseCarmona, J. A.Tese de doutoramentoAcesso restrito UMinho
20-Dez-2013Unraveling the biological role of neudesin, a novel neurotrophic factorNovais, Ashley CruzTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
26-Nov-2013Paracoccidioides brasiliensis: virulence factors and host susceptibilityMenino, João F.Tese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
2-Dez-2013The impact of stress in the risk-based decision-making processes : insights from the lab and the clinicsMorgado, PedroTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
16-Jul-2013Translating biology into clinic: new insights on prognostic and predictive biomarkers for urothelial bladder carcinomaAfonso, Julieta Alexandra PereiraTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
24-Jul-2013T cell immunity to mycobacteria : the problem of thymic infection and new + mouse models to study CD8 T cell responses to tuberculosisAlves, Cláudio António NunesTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
5-Jul-2013Prenatal "isolated" mild ventriculomegaly: looking for sonographic markers of prognosis and differential diagnosisMiguelote, Rui Filipe OliveiraTese de doutoramentoAcesso restrito UMinho
15-Fev-2013Programming of stress-related behavioral and neuroendocrine functions during early lifePatchev, Alexandre VladimirovTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
5-Dez-2012Impact of mycobacterial recognition by toll like receptors in the regulation of IL-10 and T helper type of responsesCoelho, Maria Rosinda TeixeiraTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
3-Dez-2012Ammonium toxicity in aging yeast cells reduces chronological life span : cell death mechanisms and nutriente sensing pathwaysSantos, JúliaTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
13-Dez-2012Molecular and functional correlates of stress-related anxietySilva, Ana Paula VenturaTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
7-Dez-2012Novel perspectives on the subependymal zone complexity and modulationFalcão, Ana M.Tese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
Registos da coleção (ordenados por datas de depósito em ordem descendente): 161-180 de um total de 225