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TítuloThe hidden value of brand communities for strategic communication: A qualitative study of motorcycle companies in Portugal
Autor(es)Pinto, Diana
Ruão, Teresa
José, Rui
Pessoa, Ricardo
EditoraTaylor & Francis
RevistaInternational Journal of Strategic Communication
CitaçãoDiana Pinto, Teresa Ruão, Rui José & Ricardo Pessoa (2022) The Hidden Value of Brand Communities for Strategic Communication: A Qualitative Study of Motorcycle Companies in Portugal, International Journal of Strategic Communication, 16:5, 722-741, DOI: 10.1080/1553118X.2022.2107527
Resumo(s)The high competitiveness of the corporate sector requires a strategic communication approach to bring brands closer to consumers. In this context, brand communities (BCs) can be an interesting asset for brands. This article uses the example of motorcycle brands to analyze how BCs on social media can enhance the strategic dimension of brand communication. For this purpose, nine company representatives were interviewed, who represented 16 motorcycle brands. The data were examined using qualitative content analysis. Overall, the results suggest that motorcycle brand communication is increasingly digital and does not explicitly recognize BCs as a strategic target. However, several advantages are ascribed to approaching BCs as part of a communication strategy (e.g., stimulating brand loyalty or brand satisfaction) and to interacting with BCs as social groups (e.g., encouraging feelings of belongingness or sharing of information). Concerning online BCs, the results show that managers perceived using social applications as beneficial, increasing brand promotion, saving time, and improving communication. These findings could inspire companies to make the best of BCs and develop new and relevant communication strategies through online apps that will increase brand satisfaction and, consequently, brand profits.
Versão da editorahttps://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1553118X.2022.2107527
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