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TítuloThe circular economy in fashion: the button as a problematic
Autor(es)Costa, Junior
Broega, A. C.
Palavras-chaveCircular Economy
EditoraEditora Científica Digital
Resumo(s)According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, waste generated must be reused to create a circular economy that benefits everyone. We address the issue regarding the environmental impact of buttons and propose the experimental development of biodegradable and compostable accessories; aiming to assist in the solution for the incorrect disposal of textile materials and accessories with urban collectors.Objectives: Address the issue in relation to the environmental impact of buttons related to the disposal of textiles with common urban waste and propose as a solution the experimental development of biodegradable and compostable accessories in order to help solve a part of the problem caused by the accumulation of textile waste when discarded. wrong.Methods: An action investigation was carried out together with an experimental procedure, initiated through a qualitative and exploratory bibliographic research, after an analysis and synthesis of the collected content, following interpretative and comparative methods. Applying design thinking methods to new product development (Tschimmel, 2011). Finally, the experimental procedure was carried out using rapid prototyping methods in the laboratory.Results: The experiment was carried out in a domestic environment and replicated in an academic laboratory, obtaining results similar to industrialized products. Durability was determined by the 5A washing method, following NP EN ISO 6330: 2002. For commercialization, the scalability of the process is necessary, maintaining its circular and sustainable characteristics.Conclusions: According to the design based on Cradle to Cradle ™ it is necessary to eliminate the concept of garbage determined by the current linear production model. For the question of the experimental product, despite its sustainable and identical characteristics to the industrial product, it is necessary to determine its environmental impact from tests in accordance with current regulations. According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the circular economy is the alternative to redefining the notion of development based on sustainability.
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Versão da editorahttps://www.editoracientifica.com.br/artigos/the-circular-economy-in-fashion-the-button-as-a-problematic
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