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dc.contributor.advisorLeite, Laurinda-
dc.contributor.authorFigueiroa, Alcina-
dc.descriptionTese de Doutoramento em Educação, área do Conhecimento de Metodologia e Ensino das Ciênciaseng
dc.description.abstractNa escolaridade Básica, o principal objectivo da Educação em Ciências deve ser o de formar cidadãos cientificamente cultos capazes de tirar partido das Ciências e da tecnologia e de participar activamente na sociedade em que estão integrados. Para tal, o ensino das Ciências deverá actividades laboratoriais relacionadas com o tema seleccionado, bem como do modo como lidavam com a inter-relação dados/evidências/ conclusões; a aplicação de um questionário, que incluía cinco situações problemáticas centradas em fenómenos físicos relacionados com o tema escolhido, a um grupo de 165 professores (divididos em três subgrupos de 55 professores por cada um dos três ciclos do Ensino Básico); a realização de uma entrevista, individual, a 75 alunos, (divididos em três subgrupos de 25 alunos por cada ano terminal do Ensino Básico), centrada nas mesmas cinco situações problemáticas. Os professores tinham que apresentar a explicação que consideravam que os alunos do último ano do ciclo que leccionavam deveriam ser capazes de formular para o fenómeno descrito e, caso não considerassem essa explicação completa, tinham que formular a que eles próprios consideravam adequada. Os alunos tinham que prever (fundamentadamente) o que aconteceria se algo fosse feito e, depois de observarem o fenómeno, tinham que explicar as observações efectuadas. Os dados foram analisados com base numa tipologia de explicações e numa grelha de análise da inter-relação dados/evidências/conclusões/ disponíveis na literatura. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que quer os manuais escolares, quer os professores, quer os alunos, tendem a usar explicações pouco complexas, privilegiando as explicações descritivas e as causais. Em números consideráveis de actividades, os manuais apresentam explicações que nem são apoiadas nas necessárias evidências e nem derivam de modelos teóricos, usados explicitamente, para explicar os fenómenos. Os professores, especialmente os dos 1º e 2º ciclos, parecem ter algum desconhecimento das explicações científicas adequadas e ser pouco ambiciosos no que respeita às explicações a elaborar pelos seus alunos. Estes, por sua vez, tendem a fornecer explicações influenciadas pelas suas vivências quotidianas, e teórica e empiricamente pouco fundamentadas. Assim, as conclusões desta investigação evidenciam a necessidade de os professores e os manuais escolares prestarem mais atenção à questão do ensino e da aprendizagem da explicação científica e do desenvolvimento de capacidades explicativas dos alunos. Todavia, a consecução destes objectivos requer uma grande aposta na formação, científica e didáctica, dos professores e um adequado controlo da qualidade dos manuais escolares.eng
dc.description.abstractIt is widely accepted that the main goal of science education for all students should be education for citizenship. The reason for that has to do with the need to prepare students to take profit from science and technology and to behave as active and informed citizens in scientifically advanced societies. To attain this goal science teaching should enable students to develop competences that are relevant to citizens’ daily lives, irrespective of their future jobs. Among such competences are those related with data collection and evidence selection in order to build empirically based arguments, as well as those related to prediction and testing based on theoretical deductions. Throughout the history of science, the role of data in explanation construction and theory development was well as the acknowledgement of predictions based on theories were dependent on what was recognized as scientific knowledge at the moment. Research focusing on these issues suggests that students, teachers and textbook authors use and relate data, evidences and theories in several different ways, namely when they are dealing with the explanation of physical phenomena. This research study focuses on both compulsory education (up to 9th grade) and the topic “characteristics and behaviour of air”. Its aims at analysing the explanations: i) related with laboratory activities included in school science textbooks; ii) that science teachers would like their students to construct for five phenomena related to the theme referred to above, as well as those that they themselves believe are the most complete with regard to those phenomena; iii) that students construct to the same phenomena, when those phenomena are reproduced in a laboratorial context. Data collection involved: an analysis of both the characteristics of the interrelationship data/evidence/theory and the types of explanation associated with the lab activities related to the topic and given in 30 (4th, 5th and 8th grade) school science textbooks; the application of a questionnaire (concentrating on five problem situations related to physical phenomena within the scope of the topic selected for the purpose of this research) to 165 science teachers, belonging 55 to each one of the three compulsory education levels; the undertaken of an individual interview (focusing on the same five problem situations) with 75 students, belonging 25 to each one of the three compulsory education levels. For each problem situation, teachers were asked to give the explanations they would like students in the higher grade of the school level they were teaching to offer. Afterwards, if they did not take those explanations as the most complete, they should give the one that they themselves would take as the most complete one. Students were asked to predict (and explain) what they think would happen if a certain thing was done, to observe the phenomena, and to explain the observations they could then make. For data analysis purposes, a typology of explanations and a data/evidence/theory analysis grid, available in the literature were used. Results suggest that school textbooks as well as teachers and students tend to use the two simplest levels of explanation that is, descriptive and causal explanations. For a meaningful number of activities, school textbooks give explanations that are neither supported by empirical evidence nor explicitly deducted from theoretical models. Teachers, especially those working with the two lower school levels, seem to lack some knowledge on the appropriate scientific explanations ant to not be that much demanding with regard to students’ explanations of the physical phenomena selected for this research. As far as students are concerned, they tend to base the explanations on their everyday experiences and to omit empirical and theoretical support. Thus, the conclusions of this research make it evident the need for teachers and textbook authors to give more attention to the teaching and learning of scientific explanations as well as to the development of students’ explanation related competences. However, success on these issues requires not only an adequate teacher education intervention, but also an appropriate textbook quality control.eng
dc.titleAs actividades laboratoriais e a explicação de fenómenos físicos : uma investigação centrada em manuais escolares, professores e alunos do ensino básicoeng
Aparece nas coleções:BUM - Teses de Doutoramento

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