Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: https://hdl.handle.net/1822/67974

TítuloPrenatal cocaine exposure accelerates morphological changes and transient expression of tyrosine hydroxylase in the cochlea of developing rats
Autor(es)Trigueiros-Cunha, Nuno
Leão, Pedro
Renard, Nicole
Tavares, Maria Amélia
Eybalin, Michel
Palavras-chaveAge factors
Animals, Newborn
Gene expression regulation, Developmental
Rats, Wistar
Spiral ganglion
Tyrosine 3-Monooxygenase
Prenatal exposure delayed effects
Prenatal cocaine exposure
Auditory system
Cochlea maturation
Tyrosine hydroxylase
EditoraElsevier 1
RevistaBrain Research
Resumo(s)Prenatal cocaine exposure causes alterations in auditory brainstem response in children and experimental animals and has adverse effects on auditory information processing and language skills in children. These effects may result from lesions in the cochlea since this organ is particularly sensitive to chemical insults during the development. We have thus studied here the effect of prenatal cocaine exposure on the maturation of the rat cochlea using the transient non-catecholaminergic expression of tyrosine hydroxylase in spiral ganglion neurons as an index of cochlear maturation and morphometry to evaluate the maturation of primary auditory neurons and the organ of Corti. We showed that prenatal cocaine exposure accelerated the cochlear maturation. In the basal coil of cochleas from PND8 cocaine-treated pups, the Kölliker's organ had disappeared, the tunnel of Corti was opened, and the stria vascularis no longer contained undifferentiated marginal cells. The maximum expression of tyrosine hydroxylase in type I primary auditory neurons occurred at PND8 instead of PND12 in pair-fed controls. On the other hand, the prenatal cocaine exposure had no effect on the width and height of the organ of Corti, spiral ganglion volume and number and size of primary auditory neurons. In conclusion, our data suggest that prenatal cocaine exposure, though not lethal to primary auditory neurons, accelerates aspects of the cochlear sensorineural maturation. This accelerated cochlear maturation in cocaine-treated rat pups could cause auditory dysfunctions by desynchronizing the development of the whole auditory pathway.
Versão da editorahttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006899306005014#!
Arbitragem científicayes
AcessoAcesso restrito UMinho
Aparece nas coleções:ICVS - Artigos em revistas internacionais / Papers in international journals

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