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TítuloA mobile health application to assist health professionals: a case study in a portuguese nursing home
Autor(es)Machado, José Manuel
Abelha, António
Esteves, Marisa Araújo
Esteves, Márcia
Ethical Issues in Medicine
Health Information and Communication Technology
Health Professionals
Mobile Health
Nursing Home
CitaçãoEsteves, M.; Esteves, M.; Abelha, A. and Machado, J. (2019). A Mobile Health Application to Assist Health Professionals: A Case Study in a Portuguese Nursing Home.In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health - Volume 1: ICT4AWE, ISBN 978-989-758-368-1, ISSN 2184-4992, pages 338-345. DOI: 10.5220/0007809203380345
Resumo(s)The rapidly aging population has been a matter of concern over years since this problematic has been posing several challenges to healthcare systems worldwide. In Portugal, which is one of the countries with the largest aging population, nursing homes have been getting a higher demand, and health professionals are overloaded with work. Furthermore, the fact that few nursing homes use health information and communication technology (ICT) resorting to paper to record information and clinically manage their residents is a tremendous problem, since this method is more prone to errors and time-consuming. Thus, this paper proposes the design and development of a mobile application for health professionals working in a Portuguese nursing home with the intention of assisting them at the point-of-care, by recording and providing all the necessary information, and helping them to schedule, perform, and digitally record their tasks. This solution will help health professionals to provide better care, by reducing time-waste and errors, and, consequently, to improve elders' quality of life. A mobile solution was chosen since a hand-held device, which can be used anywhere and anytime, is able to give access and store all the needed information at the point-of-care.
TipoArtigo em ata de conferência
Versão da editorahttps://www.scitepress.org/Papers/2019/78092/78092.pdf
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Aparece nas coleções:CAlg - Artigos em revistas internacionais / Papers in international journals

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