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Título(De)Individuation: (Dis)Concert for Bernard Stiegler
Autor(es)Silva, José Eduardo
Editor(es)Teatro do Frio
Contemporary Theatre
EditoraApuro Edições
CitaçãoSilva, José Eduardo (2016). (De)Individuation: (Dis)Concert for Bernard Stiegler. Porto: Apuro Edições. Print.
Resumo(s)(De)Individuation: (Dis)Concert for Bernard Stiegler, emerged from the challenge made to a few fellow creators to build a show where one could explore concepts of philosophers Gilbert Simondon (individuation) and Bernard Stiegler (deindividuation) in the light of contemporary events . The intention was that these concepts worked, firstly, as a stimulus rather than exploring and implementing its contents for artistic material, thus the creation process was guided by the concern to make the concepts, as well as reflections on them , a working methodology. Aiming this, we have developed, in this show, a methodoly encouraging the free expression and substantiation of each proposal of all envolved creators, seeking to reduce to a minimum the constraints of the “last word” that often is up to directors. This work was therefore mostly a collective creation under my direction, where we aimed for each creator to find space and receptivity for their artistic contributions. The text as well as the music of the show now published was, along with the other components, the result of this collective, dialogic and collaborative process. Moreover, following the above said, this is certainly one of the distinctive elements of the creative process of this show because it was intended that its texts and music, would arouse as a dialogic result of the project needs. That is, instead of starting from a text or a previous musical score to build a show, all the elements were built simultaneously and in dialogue. It should also be clarified that in the process of creation, we did not seek to reproduce on stage the philosophical concepts in question, but creatively transform the philosophical term in scenic action and performative item, offering the spectators the challenge of building their thinking, from spectacular stimuli. More than the now printed words, we are willing to transfer the processes of its construction to stage. This is truly the challenge beneath this edition. I do not necessarily propose the reproduction of these words, actions and sounds, but a reflection on their meaning and the search for bodily resonances so it is possible to find other aesthetic forms.
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