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Títuloa posteriori stabilized sixth-order finite volume scheme for one-dimensional steady-state hyperbolic equations
Autor(es)Clain, Stéphane
Loubère, Raphaël
Machado, Gaspar J.
Palavras-chaveFinite volume
Very high order
Hyperbolic equations
RevistaAdvances in Computational Mathematics
Resumo(s)We propose a new family of high order accurate finite volume schemes devoted to solve one-dimensional steady-state hyperbolic systems. High-accuracy (up to the sixth-order presently) is achieved thanks to polynomial reconstructions while stability is provided with an a posteriori MOOD method which controls the cell polynomial degree for eliminating non-physical oscillations in the vicinity of discontinuities. Such a procedure demands the determination of a detector chain to discriminate between troubled and valid cells, a cascade of polynomial degrees to be successively tested when oscillations are detected, and a parachute scheme cor- responding to the last, viscous, and robust scheme of the cascade. Experimented on linear, Burgers’, and Euler equations, we demonstrate that the schemes manage to retrieve smooth solutions with optimal order of accuracy but also irregular solutions without spurious oscillations.
Arbitragem científicayes
AcessoAcesso aberto
Aparece nas coleções:CMAT - Artigos em revistas com arbitragem / Papers in peer review journals

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