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TítuloSynthesis of highly magnetostrictive nanostructures and their application in magnetic sensing
Autor(es)Gonçalves, R.
Larrea, A.
Zheng, T.
Higgins, M. J.
Sebastian, V.
Lanceros-Méndez, S.
Martins, P.
Anisotropic materials
Magnetic sensors
Magnetostrictive particles
EditoraElsevier 1
RevistaEuropean Polymer Journal
CitaçãoGonçalves, R., Larrea, A., Zheng, T., Higgins, M. J., Sebastian, V., Lanceros-Mendez, S., & Martins, P. (2016). Synthesis of highly magnetostrictive nanostructures and their application in a polymer-based magnetoelectric sensing device. [Article]. European Polymer Journal, 84, 685-692. doi: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2016.09.055
Resumo(s)Anisotropic and highly magnetostrictive (λ=507 ppm) Co(II)Fe(III)-O(OH) nanosheets were synthesized as a novel elements for the development of magnetic sensors. Further, their applicability is demonstrated by the development of magnetic sensors based on the magnetoelctric (ME) effect of flexible polymer based Co(II)Fe(III)-O(OH)/P(VDFTrFE) composites. . The magnetostrictive response of the Co(II)Fe(III)-O(OH) nanosheets, when coupled to the piezoelectric response of P(VDF-TrFE), d33=-30±1 pC.N-1 , leads to a maximum magnetoelectric coupling α31 of 5.10 mV.cm-1 .Oe-1 . Furthermore, magnetic filler orientation within the polymer matrix allow a quasisinusoidal ME response of the composite as a function of the angle between HDC and Co(II)Fe(III)-O(OH) length direction. Such anisotropy in the ME magnetic sensing mechanism combined with a new highly magnetostrictive Co(II)Fe(III)-O(OH) nanostructure and the good linearity of the developed ME sensor (r 2 value =0.995) allows the tailoring of the ME response for anisotropic magnetic sensing device applications such as digital compasses or GPS devices
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