EEG - Artigos em revistas de circulação internacional com arbitragem científica : [105] Estatísticas

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Registos da coleção (ordenados por datas de depósito em ordem descendente): 41-60 de um total de 105
Mai-2019Motivations for tourism shopping in department stores: an exploratory research about tourists’ profiles visiting El Corte Inglés GaiaBoulhosa, Inês; Casais, Beatriz Graça LuzArtigoAcesso aberto
2019Motivations and perceived opportunities for partnerships among international business consultancy firmsKindl, Eva-Maria; Casais, Beatriz Graça LuzArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2019‘Portugal, the best destination’: the case study of a CSR communication that changed mentalities and increased business performanceCasais, Beatriz Graça Luz; Sousa, BrunoArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2019Residents' involvement in city brand co-creation and their perceptions of city brand identity: a case study in PortoCasais, Beatriz Graça Luz; Monteiro, PatriciaArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2019The importance of user-generated photos in restaurant selectionOliveira, Bruno; Casais, Beatriz Graça LuzArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2018Keeping exclusivity in an E-Commerce environment: the case of and the market of luxury clothesBalasyan, Irina; Casais, Beatriz Graça LuzArtigoAcesso aberto
2018Feelings generated by threat appeals in social marketing: text and emoji analysis of user reactions to anorexia nervosa campaigns in social mediaGomes, Rita Ferreira; Casais, Beatriz Graça LuzArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2019Corporate hypocrisy and social responsibility: A comparative study of brand crises effect on consumer's attitude toward brandsSantos, Ana Luísa; Casais, Beatriz Graça LuzArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2020Tourism innovation through relationship marketing and value co-creation: A study on peer-to-peer online platforms for sharing accommodationCasais, Beatriz Graça Luz; Fernandes, Juliana; Sarmento, MarianaArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2018Social advertisements for public health and epidemic dynamics: A study based on HIV/AIDS prevention television advertisements in four European countriesCasais, Beatriz Graça Luz; Proença, João F.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2020Determinants of the attitudes of portuguese accounting students and professionals towards earnings managementMenezes Montenegro, Tânia; Lima Rodrigues, LúciaArtigoAcesso aberto
29-Mai-2018Measuring the efficiency of Palestinian public hospitals during 2010-2015: an application of a two-stage DEA methodSultan, Wasim I M; Crispim, José António AlmeidaArtigoAcesso aberto
2019Project risk management practices: the organizational maturity influenceCrispim, José; Silva, Luiz Henrique; Rego, Nazaré Glória GonçalvesArtigoAcesso aberto
2017Changing foreign policy: the Obama Administration’s decision to oust MubarakPinto Arena, Maria do CéuArtigoAcesso aberto
Nov-2019European Union, Russia and the MH17 case: strategic narratives’ analysis (2014-2019)Ramos, Paulo; Vieira, AlenaArtigoAcesso aberto
2019Inequality and crisis: conspicuous consumption as the missing link in the portuguese caseMatos, Cristina Maria SoeiroArtigoAcesso aberto
2013The shifting welfare state in Hungary and LatviaMatos, Cristina Maria SoeiroArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2018Financial Contagion in the BRICS Stock Markets: An empirical analysis of the Lehman Brothers Collapse and European Sovereign Debt CrisisPereira, DirceuArtigoAcesso aberto
2017[Book review] Accounting, capitalism and the revealed religions – a study of christianity, judaism and islamMenezes Montenegro, TâniaRecensãoAcesso aberto
2018A adequabilidade do controle interno no COMAER: uma percepção endógenaLopes, Marcello de Souza; Menezes Montenegro, Tânia; Oliveira, LídiaArtigoAcesso aberto
Registos da coleção (ordenados por datas de depósito em ordem descendente): 41-60 de um total de 105