ICVS - Teses de Doutoramento / PhD Theses : [225] Estatísticas

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Registos da coleção (ordenados por datas de depósito em ordem descendente): 61-80 de um total de 225
29-Jun-2020The secretome of Mesenchymal Stem Cells as a cell-free based therapy for Spinal Cord InjurySilva, Rita Catarina Assunção RibeiroTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
2-Out-2020Development of endourology basic skills curriculum for urologists in trainingVeneziano, DomenicoTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
24-Jul-2020Directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into mature lung epithelium in-vitroCarvalho, Ana Luísa Rodrigues Toste deTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
19-Jun-2020Role of TET3 enzyme in brain functionAntunes, Cláudia Filipa CunhaTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
30-Jul-2020Glial plasticity as a key mechanism underlying the pathophysiology of depressionSantos, Ana Rita Machado dosTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
23-Jul-2020Unveiling the potential of iPSCs-derived mesenchymal stem cells for the development of cell-free therapies for Parkinson’s diseaseMarote, Ana Maria Franco AveiroTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
23-Set-2020Determinants of treatment success in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseAraújo, António Manuel da Silva Duarte deTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
2-Set-2020Characterization of CD8+ tissue-resident memory T cells in the salivary gland and the impact of MCMV infection on T cell recruitment and retentionDantas, Sofia CaldeiraTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
23-Jul-2020Tackling metabolism in cancer cells: implications for gastrointestinal cancer therapyAmorim, Ricardo Luís Agra deTese de doutoramentoAcesso restrito autor
15-Dez-2021Suppression of Machado-Joseph disease pathogenesis by serotonergic signalling: the contribution of serotonin receptorsSousa, Joana Catarina Pereira deTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
14-Set-2021Individual performance in cognitive aging and deficit prevention by cognitive training in the rat: integration of structural, molecular and functional correlatesMota, Cristina de Fátima Sousa daTese de doutoramentoAcesso embargado (3 Anos)
7-Dez-2021Characterization of a wearable monitoring system of physical activity as a surrogate of brain structure and function in older populationsDomingos, Célia Margarida ViegasTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
21-Dez-2021Assessing the therapeutic role of the secretome from mesenchymal stromal cells in genetic models of Parkinson's Disease based on the overexpression of alpha-synucleinMarques, Cláudia Raquel FerreiraTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
20-Jul-2020Endocrine homeostasis and healthy ageing - a comparative study based on distinctive cognitive population patternsCarvalho, André Filipe CoutoTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
26-Jun-2020From Deep Learning in imaging neuroscience to nuclear physics in Quantum ComputingLori, Nicolas FranciscoTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
7-Set-2021Chronic stress and glucocorticoid actions in brain plasticity and Tau pathologyDioli, ChrysoulaTese de doutoramentoAcesso restrito autor
24-Nov-2021The human brain connectome in aging: MRI biomarkers of cognitive preservation and declineCoelho, Ana Isabel AraújoTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
30-Nov-2021Risk factors associated with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis transmission in PortugalOliveira, Olena RadomskaTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
6-Out-2021Minimal invasive surgery: contribution of three dimensional image on single-site endoscopic surgeryVilaça, Jaime Daniel Pacheco MartinhoTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
24-Mar-2021Development of a novel nanoparticle-antibody based product for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by “lab-on-chip” diagnostic platformsBarroso, Teresa Raquel GuerraTese de doutoramentoAcesso aberto
Registos da coleção (ordenados por datas de depósito em ordem descendente): 61-80 de um total de 225