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18-Jan-2021Acetylation’s role in Tau structure, electrostatics and dynamicsFerreira, Tiago Manuel RochaDissertação de mestrado Acesso aberto
2019Activated PPARγ Abrogates Misprocessing of Amyloid Precursor Protein, Tau Missorting and SynaptotoxicityMoosecker, Susanne; Gomes, Patrícia; Dioli, Chrysoula, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2024Assessing the influence of ultrasound stimulation parameters in neuronal-like cells expressing Alzheimer’s disease-related mutationsMonteiro, Francisca; Oliveira, Sofia; Catarino, Susana Oliveira, et al.Resumo em ata de conferência Acesso restrito UMinho
11-Nov-2017Atypical, non-standard functions of the microtubule associated Tau proteinSotiropoulos, I.; Galas, Marie-Christine; Silva, Joana Margarida Gonçalves Mota, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2013Blood-brain-barriers in aging and in Alzheimer's diseaseMarques, Fernanda; Sousa, João Carlos; Sousa, Nuno, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
25-Jan-2016Compensatory postural adjustments in na oculus virtual reality environment and the risk of falling in Alzheimer’s diseaseGago, Miguel F.; Yelshyna, Darya; Bicho, Estela, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
8-Jan-2024Development of exosome-inspired nanovectors for RNA deliveryRIbeiro, Joana Francisca Marinho ParenteDissertação de mestrado Acesso embargado (1 Ano)
2022Diagnóstico da doença de Alzheimer com redes neuronais profundasSilva, Mateus Ferreira daDissertação de mestrado Acesso aberto
11-Jul-2016Does the Interplay Between Aging and Neuroinflammation Modulate Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Phenotypes? A Clinico-Pathological Perspective.Taipa, Ricardo Jorge Ferreira; Sousa, Ana Luísa; Pires, Manuel Melo, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
22-Nov-2023Engineering of a fluorescent bacteriophage for amyloid-β oligomers detectionSilva, Pedro Francisco Costa daDissertação de mestrado Acesso restrito autor
4-Jan-2023Exploring the role of phospholipase D2 in mediating neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s DiseaseMendanha, Marta Isabel MirandaDissertação de mestrado Acesso aberto
2015From the periphery to the brain: Lipocalin-2, a friend or foe?Ferreira, Ana Catarina; Mesquita, Sandro Gabriel Ferreira Dá; Sousa, João Carlos, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Dez-2021Functional gallic acid-based dendrimers as synthetic nanotools to remodel amyloid-β-42 into noncytotoxic formsAraújo, Ana Rita Rodrigues; Correa, Juan; Domínguez-Arca, Vicente, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Dez-2021How does the Alzheimer’s disease brain respond to optomechanical stimuli?: a narrative reviewMonteiro, Francisca Machado; Oliveira, Sofia; Gasik, Michael, et al.Resumo em ata de conferência Acesso aberto
22-Mai-2012Modulation of iron metabolism in aging and in Alzheimer's disease: relevance of the choroid plexusMesquita, Sandro; Ferreira, A. C.; Sousa, João Carlos, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
24-Set-2021Multi‑mechanical waves against Alzheimer’s disease pathology: a systematic reviewMonteiro, Francisca Machado; Sotiropoulos, I.; Carvalho, Óscar Samuel Novais, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
11-Ago-2023A new perspective for the treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease: exosome-like liposomes to deliver natural compounds and RNA therapiesRibeiro, Joana; Lopes, Ivo Edgar Araújo; Gomes, Andreia CArtigoAcesso aberto
22-Out-2021A novel RNA-targeted therapeutic approach for Alzheimer’s disease and Down syndromeMarques, Carlos Manuel CamposDissertação de mestrado Acesso embargado (3 Anos)
14-Dez-2021A phage-based tool for targeting Aβ species in Alzheimer’s disease and monitor disease progressionLima, Alexandre FerreiraDissertação de mestrado Acesso embargado (3 Anos)
2016Qualidade de vida em pacientes com doença de AlzheimerSevilha, Solange Margarida VieiraDissertação de mestrado Acesso restrito UMinho